Archive for Move of the Spirit

Be There or Be Square!!!

Posted in Prophecies with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 23, 2008 by Schlyce

I’m really sensing an special anointing for this Friday’s service.  I’ve had several prophetic dreams this week.  After one particularly powerful one, I woke up with the following word from the Lord:

The times are coming and are indeed here when brother will turn against brother and sister and mother shall mourn.  For these are the days spoken of by the prophet Joel when the world is waxing old.

But do not fear my people, do not fear.  Understand these days and rejoice for the end is near.  Just be about My Father’s business and declare the word of God.  The righteous shall continually flourish and be satisfied for the Kingdom of God is your source of provision and supply.

The gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world.  The goodness of My kingdom shall be preached and demonstrated as a witness.  And though the days of Noah are upon you, rejoice, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.  It is only a breath away and will supply all your needs.  For the King of that Kingdom, the King of all Kings, reigns forever more, and at His name, nations bow down and demons flee.

Do not be dismayed in the coming days if things start to look better or worse.  Look up, look out and recognize that your peace comes only from me.  I am moving in the midst of turmoil.  I am moving in the midst of drought.  I am moving in the midst of famine. 

Move with Me. 

Make My priorities your priorities and you shall continually prosper.

Do not fear for the end is near.  This is your hour to shine.  When gross darkness covers the people is when your light shines the brightest.  So shine my church with the glory, power and authority that I have given you and prepare to win!

Win the lost, spoil the enemy.  With My light, My truth, and My power.  Do not back down.  Dig in as never before and set yourselves on the mark of the prize.  Move forward in what I have called you to do.  Expand My kingdom.  Take back the captives.  Look for increased opportunities to make disciples and recognize that the war is fought in the spirit and the prize is souls for eternity.

You have been empowered to prosper.  You have been endued with strength.  You cannot only endure but flourish in the days ahead as your continually drink from My everlasting wells of salvation.  Remember, those that water, shall be watered.  Those that feed shall be fed.  So be about My Father’s business and watch My Kingdom expand. 

Focus on your part, your assignment.  Don’t worry about others, just pray.  And as you pray and keep watch over your part, My will shall be accomplished.  I love you My bride.  Keep walking by faith and declaring the word and your days shall end well.


Be Blessed,


P.S.  You don’t want to miss this Friday, it’s going to be powerful!